W.C. Burgess Insurance in the Brockville and area community
Our Sponsorships and Community Events
We love being out and supporting the communities we call home. If you have a sponsorship opportunity or would like us to participate in your community event in Brockville or the surrounding areas, send us an email to info@burgessinsurance.ca
1000 Islands Regatta
Our team had an absolute blast at the Annual 1000 Islands Regatta! This was the best one yet and it was so great to see our community alive enjoying the races and entertainment. Congratulations to the winners and learn more about this fan favourite event at: 1000 Islands Regatta Facebook Page
Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce Fun League Golf Tournament
We were excited and happy to be a Game Day Hole Sponsor for the 35th Annual Chamber Fun League Golf Tournament. Learn more about upcoming Chamber of Commerce Events
Loaves & Fishes Empty Bowl Fundraiser
The staff of W.C. Burgess Insurance and other volunteers served soup and bread to the Brockville community, and guests could choose from beautiful pottery bowls made by local artisans.
LOAVES & FISHES is a community support not-for-profit, charitable organization; founded on the belief that in the sharing of bread, a community is built. All proceeds went to the low-cost restaurant so they could continue serving the community.
Leeds Grenville Insurance Brokers Association Curling Bonspiel
It was our local Affiliates Annual Curling Bonspiel through the IBAO (Insurance Brokers Association Ontario). This is one of the main events we host each year to bring together brokers and other associates through the insurance industry, including our restoration company! It was a fun day of networking and meeting others in the industry.
Proudly sponsoring Leeds and Grenville Interval House
Staff with W.C. Burgess Insurance collected school supplies for Leeds and Grenville Interval House. If you would like to help Interval House, click on this link to learn more!
Bipper Blanket Donation to the Pier Christian Church
W.C. Burgess Insurance Services Ltd. donated their Bipper Blankets to a local church (The Pier Christian Church of Brockville). The "Pier Kids" filled toiletry bags were given out to children who attended their free Christmas dinner on December 17th. They were thrilled to receive the blankets to go along with toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo and other items collected by the children.
The Bipper blankets are soft cuddly blankets with the Bipper Logo, representing the insurance broker who ensures you are covered and protected.
Brockville Winter Classic Weekend
W.C. Burgess Insurance was proud to support the Brockville Winter Classic Weekend. As part of the sponsorship, the South Grenville Rangers Novice B House 2 team went to the Boston Bruins Alumni vs. Canadian Tire All-Stars game on March 5th at the Brockville Memorial Centre! All proceeds from the Winter Classic Weekend supported the Rotary Revitalization project. To learn more about the Rotary Revitalization project, click here and here for more information about the Brockville Winter Classic Weekend activities.
Brockville Palliative Care Telethon
Beautiful smiles on two of the many people who helped out at the Palliative Care Telethon this weekend. Marla Newell (pictured below from the left) from our office beside her mother, Betty Downing (middle) and Betty's neighbour, Marie Bonacci. The Telethon is a community fundraiser that supports the hospice palliative care needs of clients and their families throughout Leeds and Grenville. Click here for more information and to donate any time of the year.
W.C. Burgess Insurance was proud to sponsor this year's Brockville's Leadercast. It was an incredible, inspiring time with great opportunities to meet people. Burgess Insurance encourages people to attend Leadercast, a one-day simulcast leadership experience with the world's top speakers and leaders. Click here to learn more about Leadercast.
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!
Some of the staff at W.C. Burgess Insurance participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! Max Patterson conveyed his thanks to his niece Molly Heyman for nominating him! Max, in turn, nominated James Purcell Insurance Broker Ltd, Jo Ann Routledge conveyed her thanks to her niece Michaela Van Mourik for nominating her, who in turn nominated JB Kelly Insurance Brokers, specifically Stephanie Coutlee and Marla Newell nominated Waterway Insurance Brokers! Those so willing to dump ice water on their coworkers are Steve Michel, Greg Foan and Patty Skelton.