Insurance FAQs
Home Insurance FAQ'S
Is my house covered while I'm on holiday or in Florida for the winter?
Your homeowners' policy provides coverage regardless if you are home or not. However, there is no coverage for a loss caused by plumbing or heating system freezing during the typical heating season if the house is unoccupied for more than four consecutive days unless the house is checked daily or the water is shut off and drained.
Automobile Insurance FAQ's
If my car is hit while parked and the other driver leaves will my insurance go up?
Unfortunately, hit-and-run situations are common, and the person who damages your car doesn't always take responsibility for their actions, leaving you in the lurch. If your vehicle is involved in this situation, notify the police immediately.
Your collision deductible will apply if it's a hit-and-run with an unidentified third party. If it's a hit-and-run with an identified third party, no deductible will apply, and it will be covered under DCPD (Direct Compensation Property Damage).
If someone under the age of 25 drives my vehicles are they covered?
With the insurance companies we represent, the answer is yes. However, there are some of our competitors that do specifically exclude drivers under the age of 25. It is important to ask your representative and get a clear answer. If the driver is a resident of your household, you need to advise your insurance broker of their name and driver's license number.
What Do I Do When I have been involved in an accident?
Being involved in an accident can be a very stressful event. To help you protect both yourself and your interests, please follow these directions:
Call the police immediately and an ambulance if necessary. Failure to notify the police can result in charges.
Do not admit liability.
Record details of the accident, including date, time, location, a description of the accident, any injuries, and any charges laid.
Record details concerning the other party and vehicle, such as owner's name and address, phone number, and vehicle year, make and model. It is essential to obtain the other driver's insurance information; this includes the insurance company's name, the policy number and the broker's or agent's name.
Obtain a copy of the police report from the attending officer, which will have the accident report number for future reference.
Who is covered by my auto policy?
Any licensed driver operating your vehicle with your permission is covered. However, all licensed drivers in your household must be declared, as must anyone who regularly drives your vehicle. Remember - your insurance goes with your car, so if you lend your vehicle, you also lend your insurance. If the person using your car causes an accident, it will go on your insurance record, and your premium may increase as a result. Also, remember that the driver of your vehicle must be "authorized by law" to operate it. If that person does not have a driver's licence or the proper licence class, your insurance may not apply. Coverage on your vehicle may also not apply if the driver commits a "policy violation," such as driving while impaired or if the operator is convicted of a Criminal Code offence. Please make yourself aware of the limitations and exclusions of your auto policy.
General Questions
How do I reduce my insurance premiums?
Ask your insurance broker to show you all your options. Regarding automobile insurance, that may include
Increasing deductibles for collision, comprehensive or direct compensation for property damage.
For an older vehicle, deleting collision coverage altogether.
Combining your automobile policy with your house insurance policy.
You should also check that you are receiving all the discounts available to you, like mature age, multivehicle, multipolicy, drivers training, good student, conviction free, short commute etc.
With property insurance, your options may include:
Increasing your deductible.
Installing a monitored alarm system.
Insuring your automobile policy with the same company.
Deleting coverage on nonessential items like jewellery, cameras, and silverware.
You should also again check that you are receiving all the discounts that can apply to your situation.
“Every one of the staff are friendly, professional, easy to get ahold of, and willing take the time to answer any questions. They do not put your file on autopilot and will suggest updates and changes as necessary and as they benefit you. I've been so appreciative of their continued efforts and truly feel like they have my best interests at heart.”
— Rachel M