Getting a Car Insurance Quote
I like to help people. And everyone likes to save time. And money. Here is a way I can help you and save time; by advising you what information a broker needs in order to provide a car insurance quote.It can reduce the time from going back and forth between you and the broker. It helps the broker get you the best price.You DO want the best price, right? So all the information should be as accurate as you can give, which in turn will get you the best price and a smooth application process:
Year, make and model of the vehicle with the VIN# and the date purchased.
The use of the vehicle. If you commute, we need the distance one way and how many kilometres you think you would drive in a year. You need to report if you use your vehicle in conjunction with work or business. If this is the case, this will generate more questions so be prepared to explain.
What coverage do you want? Do you understand a car insurance policy? Click here to gain a better understanding. Or better yet, make an appointment with your broker to explain car insurance. You might be very surprised at what you will learn.
In whose name is the vehicle registered? If there are multiple cars and drivers, you need to tell us who is driving which car. Each person is assigned to a vehicle, but everyone can drive any car unless your policy has an excluded driver.
Are there winter tires for the vehicle? Click here for more information about the winter tire discount.
Does the vehicle(s) have any unrepaired damage, been modified or customised?
Is the vehicle financed?
Now about you and any other drivers in your household. Aside from names, address and marital status, you need to tell us:
When were you first licenced? If you have been part of the graduated licencing program, you need to advise us of the dates for each level.
When did you complete your driver’s training? This is more applicable to those who had just completed it or are going through the levels of licencing.
Have you had any convictions in the last three years? You will need to give an accurate account of these: the date and what the conviction was.
Has your licence been suspended in the last six years? We need the reason for the suspension, the date and the length of time your licence had been suspended.
Have you had any accidents in the last ten years? Again, the date and the circumstances behind the accident.
Have you had any cancellations for non-payment in the last three years from an insurance company? We will need the dates and if there were any gaps in time where you didn’t have insurance.
Have you or any driver in your household been found by a court to have committed a fraud connected with automobile insurance?
One handy tip is to avoid answering with “I don’t know.” Be prepared before inquiring for a quote for car insurance. Once you commit to the quote, reports are pulled from your Driver’s Licence which gives an account of any accidents, convictions, lapses and cancellations in insurance and suspensions.Whether you speak to a broker in our office or use our online quoting system, you will still need to provide all the above information for a car insurance quote.Getting the best price for a car insurance quote promptly with a smooth application process requires complete and accurate information as you can provide.